0800 TONAYAN       0800 TODEEP

Critical Illness Cover

Contact us

Nayan Bhatt

Transparent Finance Ltd. 09 215 6375

Transparent Finance Ltd. 021 264 5649

Deep Bajaj

Transparent Finance Ltd. 09 215 7086

Transparent Finance Ltd. 021 233 0640

Facing the financial consequences of surviving a critical illness is something that very few people are prepared for.
And, here is something you likely have not considered; while you are undergoing treatment or recovering for an extended period of time, you will still have to pay your other insurance, rent or mortgage, credit card bills, school tuition fees, rates, food and utilities like power, phone & water.

Critical illness cover provides a lump-sum payment if a policyholder is diagnosed with any of the critical medical conditions specified in the policy such as cancer, heart attack or stroke (there are more than 40 medical conditions covered).

Some of the benefits of having the right Critical Illness Protection:
• Cash to pay rent or mortgage while you are recovering.
• Cash to pay bills such as daily expenses, school fees etc.
• Cash so you can travel for treatments not available locally
• Cash to replace spouse‘s loss of income while caring for the insured.
• Cash to pay for medical treatment not covered under your health plan.


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